Special Thanks

The Division of Policing would like to thank these individuals for their generous start-up donations to the Division of Policing:

Brenda Bond, Suffolk University
Anthony Braga, Harvard University and Rutgers University
Rod Brunson, Rutgers University
David Carter, Michigan State University
Jeremy Carter, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Scott Decker, Arizona State University

Ashley Heiberger, Bethlehem Police Department
Matthew Hickman, Seattle University
Taisuke Kanayama, National Police Agency of Japan
George Knox, National Gang Crime Research Center
Daniel Laux
Cynthia Lum, George Mason University

Stephen Mastrofski, George Mason University
Lorraine Mazerolle, University of Queensland
Candace McCoy, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Renée Mitchell, Sacramento Police Department
Gregory Morrison, Ball State University
Peter Neyroud, Cambridge University
Ira Promisel, Saint Thomas Aquinas College

Jerry Ratcliffe, Temple University
Laurie Robinson, George Mason University

Stephen Rice, Seattle University
Dennis Rosenbaum, University of Illinois, Chicago
John Sloan, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jack Smith, Jack Smith Consulting and Investigative Services

Cody Telep, Arizona State University
Jeremy Travis, CUNY, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Richard Ward, University of New Haven

Charles Wellford, University of Maryland, College Park
Michael White, Arizona State University
James Willis, George Mason University
Jeremy Wilson, Michigan State University 

Additionally, we would like to thank the group of policing scholars, practitioners, and policy makers who initially convened at the ASC 2013 Conference in Atlanta to help coordinate the initiation of the Division of Policing at ASC. Because of their dedication and efforts the Division of Policing is now a reality.